Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Challenging Weekend

Unfortunately this past weekend, Jess experience a minor complication - a blood clot in her lung. Good news is they caught in quickly and were able to treat the clot immediately. Heparin (a blood thinner) is being administered via IV to ensure this does not happen again. Blood clots are a complication of prolonged bed rest as well as surgery. The Doctors figure the clot developed in her right leg (which she had operated on after the accident) and traveled up to her lung. An ultrasound was performed on her right leg yesterday to check for more clots, however I have not heard the results of that test.

Despite this bump in the road, Jess continues her rehab with daily physiotherapy sessions. She is getting very good at getting herself up in bed and into her wheelchair. Her right leg is still non-weight bearing so walking in still out of the question at least for a few more weeks.

Klint and I were able to take the boys for a visit yesterday afternoon, as usual they entertained Gramma and most of all, they made her smile.....it was exactly what the doctors ordered. :)


  1. Tim and I had a lovely visit with Jessica and Rhonda yesterday. It's obvious that Jess is beginning to feel more and more like her usual self - she's becoming more independent all the time. It's been so wonderful to see the great recovery that she's been making besides this recent glitch. Keep smiling Jess! You are an inspiration to everyone! Love Heidi
    PS - can someone tell me how to post a picture on here? I've got a great one of Jess!

  2. Thanks Heidi! Please feel free to email the photo to jessicaonthemend@gmail.com, and I can post it for you.

