Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Birthday celebrations!!!

A little while back mom had a tough day, dealing with bed sores, embarrassment of bodily functions and physical limitations had gotten to her. My heart sunk, especially since she had not spoken of any obstacles until then. I went home praying that somehow she would feel better, not knowing if she would continue to feel discouraged for awhile. The very next day she called to reassure me that she was feeling better....and she was. I do believe that she has been given strength from God to make it through this. It has been amazing to see her finding joy in her situation. Which brings me to her party plans:) On Saturday, August 15th, we celebrated my Dad's birthday in the Brodie Center. Mom does not want Cohen to be exposed to all the ailments in the Hospital, so she found us a place that has very little patients and many medical students for us to party in. Susie, Klint, Karter and Mitch brought the cake, we all met together and watched dad/grandpa open his gifts...this was the first time we had all been together since before the accident. Two days later, we got to do it again to celebrate Klint's birthday. Dad brought the pizza, salad and cake, we were set. Mom won't let one bad day take her down...she fights back with extra cheer to make sure we all come out smiling:)
Next birthdays are in October, it is nice to look ahead and know we will be celebrating those at Mom and Dad's in their cozy living room.

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